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Flexible Packaging
May 2024
Flexible packaging resins such as LDPE and LLDPE  and PP resins have corrected sharply in 2024 and this has taken film costs down for the ride
LLDPE was higher by $80 / MT in Latin America  

LDPE and LLDPE were lower by about 2% in Latin America

Most Resins in Europe were softer in May but much less so than earlier this year

Aluminum Foil was down by about 3% in Europe but less so in North America and Asia.

Ink and coating cost moved higher by close to 5% globally on logistics and pigment costs 

Highlights from the Pack Trax 2024 Packaging Material Cost Forecast Update / January 2024

We believe raw material inputs will be relatively benign through the balance of 2024 with the exception of potential storm related supply and cost issues.  Demand will pick up by H2 2024 as global economies begin to shake off recessionary fears

Paper prices had softened in all markets as pulp prices were weak in late 2023 but that is turning around as global pulp inventories have been depleted and pulp prices have been moving higher in early 2024

PET and OPP film prices have been stable recently but we do expect some price strengthening later in 2024

Aluminum foil has been soft but economic conditions in China have been affecting primary aluminum prices. 

EVOH and Nylon prices have softened in the past few months.

Our Ink Index had moved downward since Q4 of 2022 but there is strength in early 2024.

Price Tracker
Price Tracker provides subscribers with a six to seven year price history for all materials for North America, Europe and Asia.  We continue to add materials all the time.  We recently added a price set for Southeast Asia as well as rPET Flake and Pellets for Europe and North America and EVOH and Nylon 6 in North America and Polylactic Acid for all regions.  This data is provided in spreadsheet format so you can build charts and presentations.

Price Tracker is an indispensable tool for managing supplier packaging price changes based on raw material input costs.